Computer Conditioning Corporation Blog

How to Keep Your Data Center Cool This Summer

During the summer months, it’s especially critical to be mindful of your data center’s heating and cooling patterns so that you can anticipate needs, prevent overheating, and avoid overspending on your energy bill. Taking a few key steps to improve efficiency will go a long way and keep your data center cool this summer.

Audit Your Airways

It’s extremely frustrating to work relentlessly towards a goal, only to be blocked by factors that would’ve been totally preventable if proper planning had taken place. You wouldn’t bake pizzas and pies all day in the thick of the summer if you were keen on lowering your energy bill, right?

The same applies here, just on a larger scale. Unfortunately, this is a common theme throughout many data centers because staff is often too busy performing day-to-day operations to realize that their efforts are contradicting one another.

The first step towards achieving data center cooling efficiency is assessing your facility’s layout, both in terms of racks and containment structuring and overall design. Note any gaps where air might be escaping or entering. This includes windows, doors, floor paneling, ventilation paths, ceiling tiles, you name it. Be sure that your space is properly sealed and that vapor barriers are maintained so you can keep moisture at bay.

Once you’ve done a full walkthrough of your data center, it’s time to take a closer look at how each component is arranged. Racks should be placed in an alternating hot/cold aisle configuration so that equipment drawing in cool air from one side isn’t immediately recirculating it back into the other. If you have raised floors, be sure that perforated tiles are placed directly beneath active equipment so air can flow evenly. Lastly, check to see if your containment system is properly directing airflow where it needs to go.

Monitor Temperature and Humidity

You can’t improve what you don’t measure, so take some time to monitor the temperature and humidity in your data center on a regular basis. This will give you a better understanding of how your space is performing and where potential issues might be cropping up.

If possible, set up multiple temperature and humidity sensors throughout the facility so you can get a more comprehensive picture. To help you achieve this goal, we recommend the following products:

There are a few different things you’ll want to keep an eye out for as you review your data center’s temperature and humidity levels. First, aim for a temperature between 68-77 degrees Fahrenheit and a relative humidity of 50% or less.

Additionally, pay attention to the dew point, which is a measure of how much moisture is in the air. The dew point should be at least 5 degrees lower than the temperature for proper cooling efficiency.

Examine Your Equipment

It’s common for facilities to continue using equipment simply because it’s been in place for a long time, and it seems to be working just fine.

Instead of relying on outdated equipment, take some time to reassess your data center’s needs and make any necessary upgrades. This could involve anything from replacing an old server to investing in a more energy-efficient cooling system. Not only will this help improve efficiency, but it will also make it easier for your team to work together and maintain the data center going forward.

Let the Gurus Guide You

Data center cooling is crucial, especially during the summer months when heat is at its peak. By taking a few key steps, you can make sure your facility is running smoothly and keeping your equipment well-maintained.

When you partner with us, you’ll have peace of mind, knowing that your data center is running efficiently and effectively. We offer a variety of services to help improve efficiency, including:

Our team of experts can assess your data center’s needs and develop a customized plan to help you minimize downtime and maximize efficiency. To learn more, contact us today!

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